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early childhood 
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Exploring Jewish Values Through Children's Literature
Category Overview
–The Legacy Project: Early Childhood Edition
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Based on twenty-four award-winning books of children’s literature, the lessons in The Legacy Project-Early Childhood Edition are appropriate for students ages 3-5 as well as students in grades K-2 (with some modifications)....... More

Flameless Menorah
Projects & Crafts

Bible Belt Balabusta offers a simple way to create a Menorah that can be lit in a dorm, early childhood facility, hospital, or any other location where flames are not allowed or safe....... More

Categories:  Rosh Hashanah 
Tags:  BimBam 

A great Rosh Hashanah song for kids is "Dip the Apple in the Honey" - it's easy to learn and really fun for children to sing while they celebrate the sweet Jewish New Year by dunking apples in honey....... More

Papa Plony is obsessed with beating the Baloney family in the annual relay race....... More

Categories:  Be Grateful 

Lila and Yasmin are out for a fun day in the park together when it rains on their good time....... More

Categories:  Friendship 
Tags:  BimBam 

Ben has his lucky day when he finds a Legends of Latke collectible action figure....... More

Categories:  Make Peace 
Tags:  BimBam 

Shalom Bayit means peace in the home....... More

Categories:  Give (Tzedakah) 

The Plonys are feeling selfish....... More

The Sparks can’t find the chametz! The Plonys can’t make matzah balls! Ma nishtana? Why is this night different from all other nights? Find out on this Passover special episode of SHABOOM! Shaboom! is a Kids’ & Family online children’s show! Through magic, comedy, and silly songs, Shaboom! teaches everyday Jewish values in a 10 part series covering topics such as Welcoming Guests, and Taking Care of Nature....... More

Everyone in the Plony house has something to feel a little sorry about - whether it’s breaking something, borrowing something without asking or making wrong accusations....... More

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